Belarusian nuclear power plant to be fully commissioned in first half of 2022

1 декабря 2020
The terms of commissioning of two power units were approved by the President's Decree. The first one has already been included in the general energy system of the country since November and has now reached a capacity of 40%. They are going to put it into pilot operation next year. The government will appoint acceptance commissions at least 40 days prior to the planned commissioning date for each unit. They will also determine the list of government agencies and organizations issuing conclusions on readiness for work.

This nuclear power plant is the first one in our country. The main construction partner is Russia. The project meets all safety requirements. This has been confirmed more than once by international expert missions. The total capacity is 2 400 MW. The reactor building has a double containment. It will not be damaged, if an earthquake, hurricane, explosion, and other external influences occur. Thus, Belarus receives a stable, environmentally friendly source of energy, which will provide about a third of domestic needs.