Nina Mozheiko

Nina Mozheiko was the host of the diaries of the international junior Eurovision Song Contest 2018 Light up!

She was born in Minsk. She graduated from the Institute of Journalism of the BSU with a degree in Journalism (audiovisual) in 2014.

Nina began her television career back in her student years and in 2013 she was accepted into the staff of the culture news department of the TV News Agency. She made her debut as a co-host of the program About Art (channel Belarus 2). In the period from April 2013 to November 2014, she led the cultural section Promenade in the Belarusian language in the program News of the Region (channel Belarus 1). 

Nina is a correspondent in the programs News, Panorama, The Main Air. She is the author of special projects of the TV News Agency: Actual interview, Special report, OURS, Matter of Life. Nina works live.

Nina Mozheiko regularly covers the national selections of the international Eurovision Song Contest. She was a special correspondent at the Junior Eurovision 2015, 2016 and 2018 (Sofia, Valletta, Minsk) and at the adult Eurovision Song Contest-2019 (Tel Aviv), as well as at the International Art Festival Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018).